Crown & Bridges
A crown is a hollow cover that fits over a tooth. Crowns are an integral piece of restorative dentistry because of their versatility in the treatment of a wide range of tooth problems. We use crowns to strengthen teeth that are chipped or cracked, to seal teeth that are temperature sensitive, and to close gaps between teeth. Crowns are also used as components in root canal procedures and to build dental bridges.

During your appointment at our office, we will remove any damaged or decaying enamel to make room for the crown before making a mold of the affected area. Making the mold ensures that your crown will be perfectly fitted to your mouth’s specifications. Colored to match your natural shade of tooth enamel, a porcelain crown will blend with surrounding teeth. After prepared, the crown is then slipped over the remains of the old tooth and bonded or cemented into place, making a strong restoration that can be used just as you do your normal teeth. 

A bridge replaces missing teeth and “bridges” the gap where one or more missing teeth may have been. A bridge is cemented in permanently and provides a non-removable sturdy option to replace missing teeth.

We do simple extractions at our office. When the teeth’s roots have curvatures, or if we believe that an oral surgeon may be better equipped for the extraction, we generally will refer the patient to an oral surgery office. We generally do not extract wisdom teeth, although there are exceptions. Please refer to our ‘after you get an extraction’ page for more information about do’s/don’ts.

Our Services

We are a full service general practice that accepts both adults and children. We know that patients don’t want to be shuffled from one office to another, so we do most procedures in our own office.

Periodontal Therapy

  • Periodontal disease is considered a chronic bacterial infection in the gums, and is known also as gum disease. In the United States, periodontal disease is the primary reason for adult tooth loss. This silent infection occurs when harmful bacteria travel under the gumline and create “pockets”—a space in between the gums and bone around the teeth. If left untreated, the pocket can harm the surrounding bone around the tooth, and can cause tooth loosening and ultimately tooth loss.
  • Pockets – Our office measures the pockets between the gum and tooth approximately every other cleaning. A 2-3mm reading is a “good” pocket. A 4-5mm reading may be an “at risk” pocket. A 6-7mm reading usually means some degree of gum disease has started.
  • Deep scaling treatments can aid in cleaning out the pocket, and can sometimes help the pocket reattach at a higher level, making the “pocket” smaller. We offer deep scaling treatments in our office when indicated.

Dental Implants
Dental implants enable dentists to create healthy, attractive smiles in an innovative way.  Implants are artificial tooth roots that are surgically placed into the jawbone where it replaces the natural tooth root.  The artificial tooth roots are capped with a realistic aesthetic crown that is indistinguishable from the rest of your teeth.  The artificial tooth roots are made of bio-compatible titanium, allowing bone and gum tissue to grow securely around the implant.  For those who are missing a tooth or several teeth, dental implants are a sturdier and more natural looking alternative to bridges or dentures.

Partial / Complete Dentures
A denture is a removable dental appliance replacement for missing teeth and surrounding tissue. They are made to closely resemble your natural teeth and may even enhance your smile.

There are two types of dentures – complete and partial dentures. Complete dentures are used when all of the teeth are missing, while partial dentures are used when some natural teeth remain. A partial denture not only fills in the spaces created by missing teeth, it prevents other teeth from shifting.

​​​Justine Chen DDS       Darwin Chan DDS 

Family Dentistry
Our office does see children; we start seeing patients at 5 years old, and the first visit usually consists of “counting teeth,” to give them a good first dental experience. Referrals to the orthodontist are given as necessary. Our goal is to provide comprehensive dental health care to the whole family. Our children love our toy treasure chest and movies.

Cleanings & Prevention
A good preventive dental program is a cooperative effort by the patient, dentist, and dental staff to preserve the natural dentition and supporting structures by preventing the onset, progress, and recurrence of dental diseases and conditions.

Preventing dental disease starts at home with good oral hygiene and a balanced diet. It is continued in the dental office by the efforts of the dentist and dental hygienist to promote, restore, and maintain your oral health. In our office, as well as many offices, we recommend cleanings at least every six months.

Prevention also includes regular dental exams, cleanings, and x-rays. Sealants and fluoride are also great preventive treatments that help protect the teeth in children.

Prevention helps avoid serious and costly dental problems and is the key to having healthy teeth.

Root Canal Treatment
Root canal therapy is needed when the nerve of a tooth is affected by decay or infection. The pulp (the living tissue inside the tooth), nerves, bacteria, and any decay are removed and the resulting space is filled with special, medicated, dental materials, which restore the tooth to its full function.

Having a root canal done on a tooth is the treatment of choice to save a tooth that otherwise would die and have to be removed. Many patients believe that removing a tooth that has problems is the solution, but what is not realized is that extracting (pulling) a tooth will ultimately be more costly and cause significant problems for adjacent teeth. Contrary to popular conceptions, most root canals can be done painlessly, in a two hour appointment.

Root canal treatment is highly successful and usually lasts a lifetime, although on occasion, a tooth will have to be retreated due to new infections.

Make an Appointment:  1(408)729-8888